- Loppu varastosta

Super öljypumppu puoliautomaatti moottoreihin.
Super öljypumppu puoliautomaatti moottoreihin.
- Öljypumpussa urospää
- 2 kertaa isompi virtaus verrattuna alkuperäiseen öljypumppuun
- Sylinteriin menevä öljykanava porattava 1.5mm, poranterä mukana pakkauksessa
Valmistajan tiedot
※Big capacity oil pump which is a must for engine tuning. With increase of oil capasity, it prevents engine trouble of cooling / oil pressure dropout for better performance.
※Super oil pump for the motor less than 100cc & and Ultra oil pump for 100cc or more. For high performance model, Ultra oil pump is highrely recommend.
※Make sure of oil pressure increase after installation.
※Orfice mods is required. (1.5mm for super oil pump).
※2 Times discharge (Compared to stock pump).
※凸-Shape drive shaft.